Author: Abby Jackson

067: How to Buy Time

Grant Cardone and Jarrod Glandt tackle the issues for the under 35 crowd with tips and insights they need to help them succeed in any economic climate. With 80 million Millennials out there, all of them aren’t as lazy and entitled as the media makes them out to be. There are plenty who want true freedom, prefer entrepreneurship to the 9-to-5 grind and are hungry for mentors who give them the real deal.

Today they talk about time, and the fact that people blame it instead of taking responsibility. Are you a Young Hustler? Then stop saying, “I don’t have time.” It’s easy to blame something that’s made up. Grant is convinced that time is a made up concept that is loaded into our consciousness.

If you think time is made up, we want to see your comments below.

Tips on Buying Time:

1. Quit blaming time.

2. Stop going to places that only yield one thing—Multitask.

3. Quit doing things that don’t pay you.

4. Follow the money.

5. Over commit. Put as much as you can into your schedule.

You need a reason. You need to take the time you have, whether it’s 1 hour, 12 hours, or an entire month.

“When you blame, you become a victim.” – GC

People get conditioned to think of time in simple forms of subtraction and addition. If you hire people to work for you on a project, you effectively multiply your time.

While they are filming the show, they are also recording a podcast and streaming on Periscope—they are multiplying their time. 21- out of 28-million entrepreneurs don’t have employees. They are scared to spend money to multiply their time.

What are you willing to give up? Make a list of things throughout the day, and remove all of the things that aren’t making you money, getting you more exposure, or growing your business.

Hire someone to wash your car, mow your lawn, do your laundry—so you have more time to go out and make money.

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157: Millionaire in the Making

Grant Cardone offers insights and advice to help the middle class break out and achieve true freedom in business, career and finance. Each week NY Times best selling author, self made multimillionaire entrepreneur and international sales expert Grant Cardone focuses on matters affecting the middle class. Whether it’s jobs and careers, finance, entrepreneurship, Grant’s real, raw in-your-face delivery serves as a wake up call for anyone ok with just being comfortable. The Cardone Zone is like no other business show presently on air. After one viewing you’ll be inspired to make success your duty, responsibility and obligation as you break free of the middle class and break into true freedom.

Are you going to make it to millionaire status? Grant’s job is to make as many millionaires as possible in the next 20 years.

Ask Yourself:

• Are you on track?

• Are you talking about it?

• Thinking about it?

• Is it a goal?

• Is it important to you?

Simple math: Net $8,334/month to have $100k at the end of the year. In 10 years you’re a millionaire.

Stop trying to prevent yourself from doing the things that are setting you back, and start doing more of what will make you overcome them.

“Instead of telling yourself to eat less cookies go out and run more. You won’t be eating cookies while you’re running, and if you are, it won’t matter.” – GC

How to Become a Millionaire:

1. Have a commitment

2. Know the path

3. Get great at the pitch

Start studying millionaires. Find out what makes them who they are, what sectors they dominated, and find out why.

If you are making $60k or less, don’t worry about saving money—that is not the way out. You need to focus all of your energy on increasing your income. As you focus on that you will inevitably stop spending money while you are making even more money.

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136: Responding to Fear

Grant Cardone offers success tips on how to responding to fear. Grant begins the episode talking about Ebola and how the media is focusing on this story and sensationalizing it. He explains that Airline Stocks, Delta, specifically took a dive because people are afraid to fly due to Ebola. He also mentions how Go Pro’s stock dropped 16% after it was linked to a skiing accident. Grant uses both examples to underscore how fear impacts business and the decisions we make. We must know how to respond to fear. Grant explains that fear does not benefit you until you make the decision for it to benefit you. He emphasizes that doing nothing is also an action. Any time a person is not taking massive action there’s a bit of fear that has crept in. According to Grant and as noted in his incredibly popular, best selling book The 10X Rule; there are 3 things that happen when there’s fear.
1. Assess and advance.
2. Get stuck in maybe mode.
3. Retreat.
Grant advises people to pay attention when there’s fear and seek opportunities then act.

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Good Morning America

Click here to see a replay of my segment on Good Morning America this morning:
How to Cope In a Recession
Also, I wanted to give you access to an audio I developed that will give you the tools to turn crisis and challenge into true opportunity in your life, that will help get you out of […]

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