3 Simple ’30-Minute Cash Flow Breakthrough’ Strategies Any Business Owner Can Use to Recover Cash

Source: Cash Flow Recovery Guide For Entrepreneurs – Wealth Factory

NY Times best-selling author reveals 3 simple “30-minute cash flow breakthrough” strategies entrepreneurs can use to recover significant cash (1) leaking out of their business each month without budgeting, penny-pinching or cutting back on lifestyle choices.



Our internal survey results are in: 93% of small business owners surveyed needlessly overpay an average of $11,283 per year in excess taxes. 2

Even worse? Our our own 17-year study using customer feedback reveals the average small business owner unknowingly lets $2,484 slip away EVERY MONTH in duplicate insurance coverages, poorly structured loans, hidden fees and host of other avoidable cash flow leaks and bottlenecks.

And when you add up all these little cash flow leaks and bottlenecks?

You find the average small business owner loses out on more than $894,240 over a 30 year period! 3

So if you want to prevent that from happening to you…

And start putting this money (that’s RIGHTFULLY YOURS) back in your own pocket?

It’s probably easier than you think.

In fact, I can teach you everything you need to get started in a handful of minutes.

Garrett GundersonMy name is Garrett Gunderson, NY Times best selling author of the financial blockbuster that shook up Wall Street called Killing Sacred Cows 4.

In that book I expose 9 common money myths that continue to rob hard-working folks from the success they crave (and deserve). Plus, I offered simple solutions to help people regain control of their finances.

It’s no wonder the book also became the #1 business best-seller on theUSA Today list, and the #1 seller in personal finance on Amazon.

Since writing the book, some people think of me as some kind of “financial celebrity,” and I even made the rounds on the syndicated financial television circuit for several years.

But my real passion is helping small business owners find clarity with their cash flow and finances. Because even though entrepreneurs have huge advantages to build wealth quickly and safely with their businesses, I’ve found that most of them are either confused or even scared about their most important money decisions.

That’s why I’ve created this quick downloadable guide to show you how simple it can be to take control of your personal finances.

Cash Flow GuideIn the guide I give you 3 quick strategies from my highest level financial coaching course to start optimizing your cash flow immediately. You can read the guide right on your computer screen right now, and start recovering all the cash that rightfully belongs to you.

This guide is a completely free gift from me and the “builders” at Wealth Factory, with absolutely no strings attached.

When you sit down and read through the guide you’ll learn how to:

  • Legally slash your taxes year after year using an overlooked IRS provision.5 Make these two small changes to how you do business and it allows you to differentiate your income and instantly lower your tax bracket (most accountants don’t even know this tax-slaying strategy exists)
  • Avoid the common “silent killer” that shuts down 7 out of 10 small businesses 6, even if they are profitable…
  • Pay off your loans faster 7 (and free up cash flow) without paying more. Simply use the powerful formula you’ll discover inside the guide. (A former rocket scientist [on our team] developed the formula — yet it’s simple enough for a 4th grader to use. Best of all, it instantly tells you which loans to pay off first to maximize cash flow. One couple paid off a 10 year loan in 39 months without paying a dime more [this result isn’t typical, as it will vary based on a number of factors].)
  • Uncover the hidden fees holding your business back from growing. This often-neglected area of personal finance quietly drains cash out of your pocket and stealthily steals what’s rightfully yours. Why let banks and other big financial institutions get rich at your expense when you can be building your own wealth instead?
  • Flip a simple “coverage switch” to potentially increase your insurance coverages while reducing your premiums. This is so easy it only takes a single phone call to your insurance agent to start paying less and boost your monthly cash flow…
  • Significantly increase your monthly cash flow so you can build investment income, build wealth, build security, build economic independence and build a lasting family legacy.

My team and I work with successful small business owners every day, and most of them say they simply want to avoid “getting screwed over” by the system. One successful entrepreneur put it in this colorful way: “when you pour your own blood, sweat and tears into your business, you should be able to keep what’s rightfully yours.

If you agree, we have some great news. Working with thousands of successful small business owners and entrepreneurs over the last 15-20 years, we’ve discovered this truth: Building wealth with your business is not some crazy game of chance where only the lucky or the favored ever get to enjoy true financial success.

Building sustainable wealth in your business is actually a very predictable, step-by-step progression — at least it is when you play by the right set of rules.

And when it comes to a successful business…

Increasing Cash Flow is Rule #1…

…and is by far the most critical “game changer” for building sustainable wealth.

Yet most entrepreneurs unknowingly ignore this critical “wealth rule.” Even worse, regular accountants and business consultants rarely offer much help in this crucial area.

In fact, a study by Geneva Business Bank revealed that 70% of small businesses that go bankrupt are profitable when they close their doors.(8)

What made them fail? Lack of adequate cash flow.

That’s why my FREE “Cash Flow Recovery Guide For Entrepreneurs” is so critical. Inside, it gives you 3 very specific and actionable strategies you can start using in the next 24 hours.

These strategies are easy to understand, simple to implement, and give you results that you can see almost immediately.

Now is the time to stop the money leaks in your monthly cash flow and tostart reclaiming the money that’s rightfully yours.

Cash Flow GuideWhen you click the button below, you’ll get instant access to our all-new free guide where you’ll learn about strategies that have helped business owners save money in a variety of areas so that they keep more of the money they’ve worked hard to earn.


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Build the Life You Love,
Garrett B. Gunderson

Garrett GundersonGarrett Gunderson is the New York Times bestselling author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity. His passion and the killer team of wealth strategists he built moved him to help business owners create efficient wealth strategies that fit their unique strengths, which turned out to be completely different than the strategy of the traditional finance industry that eats away at entrepreneurs with hidden fees and risky investments. So in 2014, Garrett started Wealth Factory to bring these investment strategies to everyday entrepreneurs.


These strategies and guidance have worked for a number of businesses, however since all businesses are different, individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors.


1 “recover significant cash” – based on the average amount saved by our customers based on a sample of 129 surveyed business owners with an average annual revenue from their small business at $500,000 and a net take-home salary from their business of $125,000. Results will vary depending on income levels and may not be typical.

2 “93% of small business owners needlessly overpay an average of $11,283 per year in excess taxes” – based on an internal study done by Freedom FastTrack and Garrett Gunderson analyzing data from years 2006-2013 where 109 of 117 business owners were overpaying their taxes by an average of $11,283. The average annual revenue of these small businesses was $500,000. Make adjustments to your own situation for comparison.

3 “the average small business owner loses out on more than $894,240 over a 30 year period” – This is a projected savings over a 30 year period based on a calculation from our internal study. $2484 each month x 12 months x 30 years equals $894,240. No client has actually been tracked for 30 years at this point.

4 NY Times Best Selling Author

5 “Legally slash your taxes year after year using an overlooked IRS provision.” – based on a tax strategy of differentiating income. Available to a business set up as an S-Corp only. This tax strategy may not be applicable in all cases and should not be construed as tax advice. Always consult a tax professional before implementing any tax strategy.

6 “shuts down 7 out of 10 small businesses, even if they are profitable” – 

7 “Pay off your loans faster” – based on a testimonial from a couple in Minneapolis, Minnesota who paid off their loan balances in 39 months instead of 10 years using the system we share. Individual results will vary.

8 “70% of small businesses that go bankrupt are profitable when they close their doors” – stats taken fromhttps://mytreasur-e.com/